Supplementary materials to
Changing spatial epidemiology of pertussis in continental USA
by Marc Choisy & Pejman Rohani

In each movie the upper panel shows the time series of the pertussis incidence (number of declared new cases divided by population size) aggregated for the all USA. The vertical blue bar refers to the time point to which the map in the lower panel corresponds. This map shows the color-coded quadriennal component of the pertussis incidence time series obtained by wavelet decomposition followed by reconstruction between periods 3.5 and 4.5 year (band-pass filter, see Materials & Methods of the main text and Supplementary Materials). The first movie shows the values of the filtered (between periods of 3.5 and 4.5 years) time series for each state whereas the second movie shows these values smoothed over space using a loess regression with the longitude, latitude (and their interaction) of the centroids of each state as explanatory variables (see Materials & Methods of the main text and Supplementary Materials). These centroids are represented on the map by the black dots. Right-click on the icons below to download the files.
Filtered time series by state [746 Ko].
Filtered time series smoothed in space [744 Ko].

© 2006-2014 Marc Choisy
Last modified: July 2 2014